Ways to Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Technology Strategy

We all know that digital transformation is crucial for business competitiveness. However, from a sustainability perspective, technology can be detrimental to our planet. Forrester
states that IT equipment is responsible for about 1.4% of total global carbon emissions and data centers currently consume close to 1% of electricity in the world.

Climate change is a huge problem. Companies need to take action to ensure that they are helping to solve the issue rather than add to it. 

The good news is that you can take proactive steps to reduce your organization’s impact on the environment. Doing so is not just good for the environment, but it can also reduce costs, improve your reputation and boost the employee experience.

How Does IT Impact Company Resources? 

IT equipment like desktop computers, laptops and servers all require energy to operate. This consumption of resources impacts the environment. There is also the fact that these devices generate a huge amount of heat. To combat this, most companies purchase cooling equipment which drains additional energy. 

Why Sustainable IT Matters Today 

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues facing society today. If we don’t start making sustainable changes, the future of our planet is at risk. Every individual and company has a responsibility to look after the planet and do what they can to halt climate change. 

Moreover, from a cost perspective, sustainability makes good business sense. By lowering energy consumption and being more conscious of how you use technology, you can reduce your expenses and improve the bottom line. 

You also have your reputation to consider. Research shows that 92% of consumers say they’re more likely to trust brands that are environmentally or socially conscious while 38% of employees are more likely to be loyal to a company that prioritizes sustainability.

It’s clear that companies can improve their brand equity by prioritizing sustainability and create more loyal relationships with both customers and their employees. 

How To Incorporate Sustainability Into Your IT 

There are hundreds of ways to rejig your technology strategy so that it’s more sustainable. 

Below are some of the critical recommendations that we make to businesses who are curious about getting started with sustainable technology.

We can also provide tailored recommendations that are unique to your business. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about a customized plan for your business. 

  • Migrate to cloud storage instead of using on-premises servers. Research indicates that the cloud is 98% more eco-friendly than on-premise implementations.
  • Leaving laptops plugged in when they are fully charged wastes energy. Advise your employees to unplug their laptops when they reach 100% battery to counteract this. 
  • Go paperless using tools like Microsoft 365 for Business and ditch your printers. If you need to print, consider using recycled paper. This might sound like an overly simple solution but just a 10% cut in office paper use in the U.S. could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.6 million tons.
  • Implement an auto shutdown for office PCs so they are never accidentally left on overnight. 
  • Consider switching to green energy sources like wind turbines or solar panels if these are an option in your area. While solar panels have an initial upfront cost, they are cost-efficient in the long run. According to research, companies can save as much as 80% (or even more) on their electric bills by installing solar panels.
  • Implement a flexible working policy that allows employees to work from home. This will reduce carbon emissions from employees driving to and from the workplace each day. 
  • The hardware production process causes a huge amount of greenhouse gas emissions. You can choose to buy refurbished hardware rather than new devices to reduce your environmental impact.
  • Be smart about energy and take advantage of technology solutions like smart lighting, smart energy meters and smart water meters. Not only are these solutions greener, but they will save you money! 

Think Big, Start Small

The sheer number of sustainable options out there can be overwhelming. We advise you to think big and start small. In other words, you should start with a few, small changes like going paperless or switching to a smart energy meter. That will have an immediate positive impact. 

At the same time, you can start to think of long-term changes that will take more time, planning and investment. You won’t be able to make these changes overnight, but you can build them into your broader business roadmap. For example, you could make an internal commitment to switch to 100% renewable energy by 2025. 

For the environment, your employees, customers and bottom line, making these sustainable changes makes excellent business sense. 

Get Help Embracing A Sustainable Future Today! 

Sound Computers can help your Connecticut business implement innovative technology solutions that help to reduce costs and improve sustainability. 

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Call 860-577-8060 or reach us online.

April 26, 2022
Sound Computers Admin